Chevrolet Aveo - Campus Challenge

Eight universities to hold Chevy Aveo "Livin' Large" Campus Challenge
Two-student teams from eight universities across the U.S. will be selected to participate in the challenge of a lifetime to win a new 2007 Chevrolet Aveo by staying in continuous contact with the car for five days and demonstrating just how large a lifestyle they can lead in the car by attracting as much in-person and online attention as possible.
Students will compete in the Chevy Aveo “Livin’ Large” Campus Challenge October 23 – 27 with teams from seven other universities to rack up the most online votes through the creativity, ingenuity and sheer entertainment value they exhibit during the week to persuade people to go online to vote for them.
The contestants, who must be in good academic standing, will be able to leave the car only to
attend class and for periodic bio-breaks. The remainder of the time they must be in the car or be touching it. Web cams mounted both inside and outside the car will stream video footage to so web surfers can see what the contestants are doing and vote for their favorite team. Contestants also are expected to help direct traffic to the “Livin’ Large” site through their personal Facebook and MySpace Web pages.
“Challengers will be left to their own devices to secure items they’ll need to get through the week,” said Ed Peper, Chevrolet General Manager. “This may mean relying on friends, classmates or even strangers to bring them pizza, a bottle of water or a sweater. This campaign is all about creativity and how college students can live large in an Aveo, demonstrating how the Aveo perfectly fits the lifestyle of a college student.”
To keep things interesting contestants are encouraged to stage creative and entertaining activities from the Aveo to draw traffic to the car and the “Livin’ Large” web site where viewers can vote for their favorite team.
“The more interesting they make their five days in the Aveo, the more likely they are to rack up votes from viewers across the country and even around the world,” said Peper. “We’ll also stage daily contests where the students will compete in real-time challenges.”
At the end of five days, votes will be tallied, and the students on the team with the most votes will each win a brand new 2007 Chevy Aveo. The winning contestants’ university also will be awarded a car.